Become a Host Contacts
Become a Host Contacts
When do you want to check-in?
Please set the date of check-out
Main / Bulgaria / Golden Sands / Голден Лайн
Important! You cannot book your own accommodation.


The price for the whole accommodation
  • Check-in
  • Check-out
  • Guests
  • 0 0 x night
  • 0 Extra guest fee: €0 x -2 pers. x night
  • €0 Final cleaning fee:
  • -€0 % discount :
  • 0 Total:
Those dates are not available!
Booking is not available
{{bookingRequests.quantity}} {{declension(bookingRequests.quantity, ['person is', 'persons are', 'persons are'])}} going to stay here in this season in chosen period
  • Languages: english, russian Contact details Александра

I will be glad to discuss any questions within the service.

You will get my direct contact details after the transaction.

Why so?

16views of this accommodation

counted yesterday

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Andrew Sviridov's review about holiday in Bulgaria

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Голден Лайн

Bulgaria, Golden Sands



The price for the whole accommodation
  • Check-in
  • Check-out
  • Guests
  • 0 0 x night
  • 0 Extra guest fee: €0 x -2 pers. x night
  • €0 Final cleaning fee:
  • -€0 % discount :
  • 0 Total:
Those dates are not available!
Booking is not available
{{bookingRequests.quantity}} {{declension(bookingRequests.quantity, ['person is', 'persons are', 'persons are'])}} going to stay here in this season in chosen period
  • Languages: english, russian Contact details Александра

I will be glad to discuss any questions within the service.

You will get my direct contact details after the transaction.

Why so?
  • Guests 2
  • Rooms 1
  • Bathrooms 1
  • Air-conditioning Есть


  • Accommodation type:Apartment
  • Floor: 3 / Floors total: 6
  • Cleaning:Не предусмотрена
  • Change of bed sheets:Не предусмотрена
  • Parking:Yes
  • Internet:Бесплатно
  • Balcony:Есть
  • View from the windows:горы
  • Order cleaning: Ask the host
  • Order change of bed sheets: Ask the host
  • Non-refundable deposit: 50%?

    Non-refundable deposit is an amount that is not refunded to a Guest in case of Guest's unilateral cancellation of booking.

  • Extra guest fee: €0
  • Final cleaning fee:Не требуется
  • Prepayment:50%?
  • Prepayment is an amount of the first payment; a Guest pays it on the website. It is usually equal to the amount of 'non-refundable deposit'. In case the Host cannot accept the money on the spot, the Host sets 100% prepayment, so as, after Guest's arrival, to receive all the money from V.P.U.T. company. This does not affect the amount of non-refundable deposit.


  • Pull-out double bed:1
{{}} {{declension(, [ 'REVIEW', 'REVIEWS', 'REVIEWS' ])}}
  • {{rate.title}}:

  • {{}}


    V.P.U.T. answer


House rules:

  • Children:Allowed
  • Smoking: Not allowed
  • Pets:Not allowed
  • Disabled people:Ask the host
  • Check-in time: Any time
  • Check-out time: Any time
  • Minimum stay:1 day
  • Security deposit: Not required

Appliances and amenities:

  • Cooker
  • Refrigerator
  • TV
  • Fireplace
  • Safe deposit box
  • Juicer
  • Toaster
  • Blender
  • Microwave oven
  • Kettle
  • Dishwasher
  • Oven
  • Coffeemaker
  • Washer
  • Dryer
  • Iron
  • Ironing board
  • Hairdryer
  • Cable TV
  • Gaming console
  • Pool
  • Spa
  • Lift
  • Front desk
  • Security
  • Playground
  • Garden
  • Restaurant
  • Indoor pool
  • Jacuzzi
  • Sauna
  • Gym
  • First aid room
  • Hairdressing salon
  • Pool bar
  • Lobby bar
  • Shower unit
  • Bath-tub
  • Laundry
  • BBQ


  • Beach:120 м
  • Restaurant:5 м
  • City center:18 км
  • Bus stop:250 м
  • Airport:25 км

Prices per periods:

Period Price per night
01.01 - 01.01 €16

Short description

Сдаю студию в Болгарии, в курортном комплексе "Золотые пески", в четырехзвездочном отеле "Golden Line", 100 метров от моря и 18 км от города Варна. Студия полностью меблирована, оснащена кухонной мебелью, кухонная плита, холодильник, эл.чайник, посуда, кондиционер, терраса с мебелью, кабельное ТВ. Ванная комната оборудована ванной и туалетом. В комнате имеется 2 кровати, обеденный стол, кресло, 3 стула, комод, а также мебельный шкаф и др. На территории отеля имеется детский и взрослый бассейны,детская площадка, салон красоты, спа-салон, ресторан и др.

Bulgaria Golden Sands

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